Thank you to all of the residents who have contacted me to let me know their views on improvements to this dangerous intersection since my last update and letterbox drop.
This is Main Roads' proposed design, based on traffic flow, engineering expertise, and community consultation.
The proposed full movement roundabout will greatly improve safety and efficiency for all road users at this location by:
- Eliminating the existing two-stage road crossing from westbound Green Street onto Scarborough Beach Road. This will allow the intersection to be more "free-flowing’ and removes the dangerous crossover;
- Providing a safe right-turn option from westbound Scarborough Beach Road onto Green Street;
- Allowing right-turn movements from eastbound Scarborough Beach Road to Brady Street; and
- Improving pedestrian and cycling safety, with a new shared path south of Scarborough Beach Road between Main St/Brady Street and the new proposed Green Street roundabout, a raised pedestrian crossing on Scarborough Beach Road and full pedestrian green crossings at the Main St traffic lights.
The City of Stirling and City of Vincent are now considering this proposal in consultation with residents. If supported, Main Roads will move to detailed design works before construction can commence.
The City of Stirling recently held a survey for community feedback on the draft concept design and I made a submission based on my online community consultation forum. Main Roads will now consider all community feedback before proceeding with the next stage of design.
Interim improvements have already been made to the intersection to ensure it is safer and easier to navigate, while also helping traffic to flow better. Click here for more information on the interim improvement, which included improved street markings and signage.